
Open Source Monitoring:
  1. Why do a CCI test?

  2. What do you get?

  3. How is it done?

  4. Our results show

Counter Competitive Intelligence Security Services

Open Source Monitoring

What do you get?

Our assessment will reveal what type of information is leaking and from where?

  • Blogs you employees are maintaining or contributing to.
  • Do they disclose proprietary information in their job search campaigns?
  • If your employees and family members own companies, the types of services they provide?
  • Any breach of the non disclosure agreements they signed?
  • If their office computers are infected by viruses or worms.

Less than 50% of the current viruses and worms are detected by the most up to date anti-virus software. The most recent ones are sending the newest documents created on the computer – in word or excel format – to unknown locations, overseas. And that is the most valuable info your company has.

To receive your Counter Competitive Intelligence Vulnerability Assessment of open source info, please submit your payment of $99.00.

B E T T E R: Please submit your payment of $999.00 for a complete Counter Competitive Intelligence Vulnerability Assessment, including monitoring for anomalous traffic.
Business Name:
Email Address:
URL or IP address:

Other members of our business group:
Cloud-Security.us | US-scada.com

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