
We assess and document compliance to:

  1. H.I.P.A.A.

  2. Sarbanes-Oxley (SoX)

  3. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)

  4. Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard

  5. N.I.S.T SP 800-30

  6. I.S.O. 27001/I.S.O. 17799

  7. SAS – 70

  8. FERPA

  9. FISMA

  10. NERC

  11. Safe Harbor Act

NERC reliability standards

NERC reliability standards define the reliability requirements for planning and operating the North American bulk power system. NERC’s ANSI-accredited standards development process is defined in the Reliability Standards Development Procedure and is guided by reliability and market interface principles. The Reliability Functional Model defines the functions that need to be performed to ensure the bulk electric system operates reliably, and is the foundation upon which the reliability standards are based.

Active Standards Work Plan Cross Reference 09.08.08
Approved Errata Procedure 01.29.09
Defined Terms (Updated May 2, 2007) 05.02.07
Drafting Team Guidelines 07.01.07
Guidance for Enforcement of CIP Standards 05.15.08
List of Regional Differences 11.21.02
NERC Standards Numbering Convention 02.26.08
Nomination Form for SAR or Standard Drafting Team 02.03.09
Process for Developing the Compliance Elements of NERC Reliability Standards 10.16.06
Registered Ballot Body Voting and Proxies Presentation 03.20.07
Reliability Standards Development Plan: 2009-2011 02.03.09
Reliability Standards Development Procedure - Version 6.1 06.14.08
Request for Interpretation Form 11.03.08
SAR Comment Form 02.03.09
SAR Drafting Team Scope 11.08.07
Standard Comment Form 02.03.09
Standard Development Roadmap 02.03.09
Standard Drafting Team Scope 11.08.07
Standards & Compliance Q&A Report 09.13.07
Standards Authorization Request (SAR) Form 02.03.09
Standards Background 01.01.08
Standards Committee Procedure for Approving Field Tests 03.10.08
Standards Committee Procedure for Approving Reference Documents for Posting 03.10.08
Standards Committee Subcommittee Organization and Procedures 03.10.08
Standards Drafting Team Rosters 03.11.09
Standards Milestones 01.01.08
Suggestions and Comments Form 06.30.08
Template Guide for New Standards 01.01.08
Violation Severity Level Guidelines 01.04.08

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