Controlling Site Access - Entry Control Facility
It does little good to prevent access for aggressors or threat vehicles
around the perimeter if you have no way to control who enters at any
access points
The necessary capabilities, constraints, and technology at entry control
facilities (ECF) are very different now than in the past.
Not only military installations have entry control issues:
• Large industrial complexes
• Port facilities
• Many campus style office complexes
Entry Control Facility Mission
Secure the facility or compound from unauthorized access and intercept
contraband while maximizing traffic flow.
Several required components to perform this function:
• Security
• Safety
• Capacity
• Image
Entry Control Facility Operations
Identification and inspection procedures are the most common
Security engineering design role is to define the operations at an ECF at each threat level and including random measures from various threat levels at any time
Design should consider the operations and anticipated traffic volume
experienced at each threat level. Some congestion and hardship is expected at higher levels of threat
To receive your Physical Vulnerability Assessment, please submit your payment of $999.00
B E T T E R: Please submit your payment of $1999.00 for a complete Physical Vulnerability Assessment or Design covering a single location.