Risk Tolerance vs. Cost
The right security system is a best-guess compromise that balances the risk and potential damage from people being in the wrong place against the expense and nuisance of security measures to keep them out.
Potential Cost of a Security Breach
While each data center has its own unique characteristics and potential for loss, most will have something to consider in these general categories:
Physical loss — Damage to rooms and equipment from accidents, sabotage, or outright theft.
IT productivity loss — Diversion of staff from primary duties while equipment is repaired or replaced, data is reconstructed, or systems are cleared of problems.
Corporate productivity loss — Interruption of business due to downtime.
Information loss — Loss, corruption, or theft of data.
Loss of reputation and customer goodwill — Consequences from serious or repeated security breaches: loss of business, drop in stock value, lawsuits.
To receive your Physical Vulnerability Assessment, please submit your payment of $999.00
B E T T E R: Please submit your payment of $1999.00 for a complete Physical Vulnerability Assessment or Design covering a single location.