
1. Transportation Security
2. Bridge and Tunnel Vulnerability Assessments

3. Highway Vulnerability Assessment

Step 6 - Security operational planning

State DOTs must first define the scope and objectives for security operational planning in light of establishing emergency plans. In general, this activity will confirm the baseline of established emergency plans and will assess any shortfalls or gaps against the criticalities, vulnerabilities and consequences identified in Steps 1-3. As described in Step 6b, State DOTs need to develop a security operational plan to address the shortfalls and gaps identified against their baseline plans

Develop a security operational plan In order to carry out State DOT roles and responsibilities and maximize U.S. DOT assistance in emergency response situations, substantial transportation resources and plans/procedures must be in place. The overlay of terrorism and WMD on the existing emergency management context introduces a number of new considerations as set forth above. The existing transportation strategies embodied in existing plans may need to be adjusted for characteristics such as scale, lack of lead time, crime scene management, etc. The need for special transportation responses (e.g., quarantining) may be introduced. A set of new hazards for first responders must be a consideration.

Initiate training and exercise activities. Good policies, plans, and program development are the beginnings of preparedness. Implementing awareness, training and qualification programs as part of security operational planning helps to determine organizational effectiveness in dealing with a crisis. Experience and data show that training and exercise activities are a practical and efficient way to prepare for crises. They test critical resistance, identify procedural difficulties, and provide a plan for corrective actions to improve crisis and consequence management response capabilities without the penalties that might be incurred in a real crisis. Training and exercise activities also provide a unique learning opportunity to synchronize and integrate cross-functional and intergovernmental emergency response. Without a common level of awareness, training, or standards, State DOTs and all other responders from the many different organizations and jurisdictions will have difficulty functioning together coherently when confronted by a serious natural, technological, or terrorist incident. Some elements of a training and exercise program for WMD terrorism include: Awareness – Understanding the functions of security operational planning in terms of the full range of threats and vulnerabilities faced by an organization. Training – Implementing and adjusting the security operational plan and developing skills critical to WMD preparedness and response; rehearsing State DOT personnel in their assigned roles and testing whether their response expectations are appropriate. Training can also identify lessons learned, improved standards for performance, and additional resources. Standards – Identifying which members of an organization have met the required or desired level of training appropriate  modifications and/or improvements that may be appropriate to the WMD context

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